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On August 20, 2023, The Table Church will not gather on Sunday morning for our regularly scheduled 9:00 AM ASL worship service. Children's Sunday School and Prayer meeting will not happen at 10:30 AM that morning either.

Pastor Bruce will be a guest preacher at New Life Believer Brethren in Christ Church in Williamsport, MD. If you want to attend, the address for the church is 10745 Van Lear Dr, Williamsport, MD 21795. Their website is here for more information:


The Table Church will gather from 6:00 - 8:00 PM for our church picnic at Urbana District Park shelter #2 (3805 Urbana Pike Frederick, MD 21704). We will serve cold-cut sandwiches and watermelon and drinks; please bring side dishes and dessert to share.

If you have children or youth starting school soon, please bring your backpacks so that we can do our annual "Blessing of Backpacks" event.

Please RSVP if you plan to attend by clicking the link:

For questions, please contact our church office at