Our Pastors & Elders

Contact us at elders@thetablecma.org

Our pastors and elders are the highest level of servant leadership in the church. As undershepherds, elders serve with the pastoral staff to oversee both the temporal and spiritual affairs of the local church in order to accomplish Christ’s mission. After meeting the basic Biblical qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9, this team meets regularly for prayers, interview prospective members, and exercise church discipline as needed according to the Uniform Policy for Discipline, Restoration, and Appeal found in Section E8 of the C&MA Manual.

Our Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee (ADCOM) team serves our faith family in an advisory role with the Lead Pastor as we seek to meet conditions for full accreditation as a church with the Mid-Atlantic District. They are appointed by the District Superintendent on an annual basis.

Aleah Nishizaki
  • Secretary
Mark Gole
  • Acting Treasurer
Penny Gole
  • Liaison - New Design Church
Carrie Persons
David Nishizaki
Brandt Overman
  • Assistant Pastor

Our Ministry Team

Jooyoung Lee
  • Campus Minister at Gallaudet University
Brandt Overman
  • Assistant Pastor
Carrie Overman
  • ASL Family Ministry Point Person

Need prayer? E-mail prayers@thetablecma.org today!